Contact IVGID
Contact information for IVGID departments and venues
The Incline Village General Improvement District, commonly referred to as IVGID, was established under Nevada Revised Statute, Chapter 318 and chartered to provide water, sewer, trash and recreation services for the communities of Incline Village and Crystal Bay, Nevada. It is governed by an elected Board of Trustees which, acting on behalf of the electorate, sets policy and determines strategies for the accomplishing its charter. Both Incline Village and Crystal Bay, Nevada are located within Washoe County, the entity that had the authority to create IVGID, and they are both unincorporated areas within Washoe County.
Within the limits of the statutes, IVGID is empowered to determine what facilities and services it should offer that will preserve or enhance the general health, safety and welfare of the community. It may set rates, tolls and fees to be charged for the provision of those facilities and services, and it may borrow or raise funds to acquire, construct and/or provide those facilities and services to the community. Finally, IVGID has the power to levy and collect taxes necessary to sustain its operations.
Contact information for IVGID departments and venues
Through outstanding customer service, with a passion for quality of life and our environment, we will continually enhance the reputation of our community as an excellent place to live, work, recreate, visit and invest.
Parcel Owners who pay the IVGID Recreation Facility Fee are eligible to receive a combination of IVGID Passes and Recreation Punch Cards that allow the holder to pay a reduced rate at all IVGID facilities
The Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID) was created by Washoe County under State law (Nevada Revised Statute 318), effective June 1, 1961.
The most recent winter and summer press kits can be found here. Contact the IVGID Marketing Department for more information.
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Welcome to Incline Village/Crystal Bay