
IVGID Administration includes Human Resources, Risk Management, Accounting and Finance, and Information Technology and it represents the backbone for the entire District. Administration resides at 893 Southwood Boulevard. The General Manager has his office here and you can routinely see the Trustees coming and going from this location. Administration provides payroll services, recruiting, risk management, general and administrative support, and information technology support throughout the District. Administration represents the hub of a multi-spoked wheel - Incline Village General Improvement District.
The Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees meets twice a month – second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm. Meetings are generally held at the Administration building, unless otherwise noticed. The public is welcome to attend all meetings. To stay updated on the agendas, please send an e-mail to with “Agenda” in the subject line and your name will be added to the distribution list for those who receive the Incline Village General Improvement District Board of Trustees meeting agendas via e-mail. It is a quick and easy way to keep up with the activities of your elected officials. Our agenda packets, which include meeting minutes, are posted on our Meetings & Agendas page before each meeting. Watch the live or recorded meetings through the Livestream service.
Human Resources
We employ approximately 125 year-round employees, most of them full-time and over 500 seasonal employees for both summer & winter seasons. View available jobs and benefits on the Employment pages.
Risk Management
Risk Management is responsible for the very low incidence of accidents and injury throughout IVGID, thanks to informative education, a yearly Safety Week, and numerous programs and incentives to reduce workers compensation claims.
Accounting & Finance
The Accounting & Finance Team is organized within the General Fund under the leadership of the Director of Finance, within the Administrative Services Department. It is responsible for tracking and controlling the District's financial resources and providing timely and accurate management information.
Major functions of the department are providing financial information to District departments, the public and government agencies, making safe investments while maximizing yield, conducting the annual audit, budgeting for operations and capital improvement, and establishing and maintaining policies and procedures in all of these areas. At an operations level, this includes but is not limited to producing all District accounts payable and payroll checks and tax reports, creating and distributing monthly financial information and ensuring that legal requirements are met in these areas.
Accounting & Finance is committed to safe-guarding, processing and protecting District assets by maintaining a system of checks and balances that adhere to generally accepted accounting principals and internal control procedures. The department keeps pace with the complexities of both government and business enterprises and professional accounting pronouncements to provide financial support and services to District operations.
View our public financial reports.
Information Technology
Information Technology (IT) is responsible for the District's computer hardware, software and telecommunications needs, as well as the District's six local wide area networks. They also provide technical support and general assistance to several hundred users for email, Internet access, network and cabling needs, phones and voice mail. IT is always looking into new technology to help the District achieve its goals.