Solid Waste Services

Franchise Agreement
Current Waste Management Franchise (pdf)
Waste Management Franchise Exhibit B - Rates current rates as of July 1, 2024
Waste Management Contact Information
Customer Service
1076 Tahoe Blvd, Incline Village NV 89451
Phone: (775) 831-2971
Hours: M-F 8:30AM to 5PM, Closed for Lunch 1-1:30PM
Transfer Station
1200 Sweetwater Rd, Incline Village NV 89451
Phone: (775) 833-6251
Hours: M-F 8AM to 4:30PM, S-S 8AM to 4PM, Closed for Lunch 12-12:30 PM
Zero Tolerance Trash Enforcement Began August 1, 2017
The IVGID Board of Trustees (BOT) set August 1, 2017 as the start date for the zero tolerance solid waste enforcement policy for any violation(s) documented through Waste Management’s Solid Waste Snapshot Program and/or IVGID’s Trash Reporting.
Click here for a Solid Waste Update - February 22, 2019
- DO – Make sure trash and recycling are fully contained at all times.
- DO – Make sure trash and recycling cart or dumpster lids are both fully closed. If you have a bear shed ensure cans/bags are kept inside the box and doors are closed, even on collection day.
- DO – Residential waste service customers may place yard waste curbside in stickered bags ONLY during 16 week program.
- DO – Residential waste service customers may only place trash and recycling carts curbside after 5 AM on service day.
- DON’T - Leave any gap in lids/doors or allow trash or recycling overflow outside of carts, bear shed or dumpsters.
- DON’T – Leave any bags, cans or cardboard next to trash or recycling cart, bear shed or dumpster.
- DON’T – Place trash or recycling out on wrong date/time, or prior to 5AM on service day.
- DON’T – Leave trash or recycling uncontained. Customers are still responsible for a spill, even on service day. Collection for residential waste service customers occurs between 7 AM and 5 PM and commercial waste service customers between 5 AM and 5 PM.
- DON’T – Residential waste service customers may not place yard waste curbside in bags or cans other than during the dates set for 16 week program. Yard waste outside of the annually designated timeframes is trash and should be disposed of accordingly.
Ideal residential waste service: Bear shed or wildlife resistant cart, sized for largest volume requirement.
Ideal commercial waste service: Park style dumpster or wildlife resistant cart, sized for largest volume requirement.
Residential Waste Service Customers:
1st offense: Results in mandatory upgrade to wildlife resistant cart service.
2nd offense: $100-999 fine, refundable with bear shed installation.
3rd and subsequent offenses: $500-999 fine, refundable with bear shed installation.
Commercial Waste Service Customers:
1st offense: Up to $999 fine, refundable with rental of a park style dumpster from Waste Management or construction of a wildlife enclosure.
2nd and subsequent offenses: $500-999 fine, refundable with rental of a park style dumpster from Waste Management or construction of a wildlife enclosure.
Visit to view Ordinance 1 - Article 7, which details ordinance non-compliance and violations.
Visit for additional information about trash service and how to avoid overages.
What should I do with extra trash and recycling?
There are multiple options available for handling extra trash and/or recycling volume, depending on your needs and the type of waste service you have. These options include:
- Decrease your trash volume by placing cleaned recyclables into your recycling cart or dumpster.
- Break down your recyclables, including cardboard, before placing them in the cart or dumpster.
- Drop-off extra trash at the transfer station, subject to fee based on volume.
- Free drop off of recycling at the transfer station.
- Increasing your cart or dumpster size, subject to fee based on volume needed.
- Call for a one time extra service, subject to fee.
- Residential waste service customers are allotted 4 annual transfer station dumps, up to 3 cubic yards each, at no additional cost.
If I am a residential waste service customer how should I dispose of yard waste outside of the dates for the 16 week program?
Outside of the 16 week program yard waste is treated as trash. If you are a cart customer and have extra volume available in your cart you can place yard waste in your trash cart. If you are a bear shed customer and have extra volume available in your box you can place yard waste in your box. Yard waste cannot be placed in the recycling cart at any time. Outside of the 16 week program you may not place it in bags or cans next to your cart or bead shed. You may also use any of the options detailed above for excess trash.
If I am a commercial waste service customer how should I dispose of yard waste?
Commercial waste service customers can use their dumpsters, self-haul to the transfer station or rent a yard waste bin from a private hauler.
What if I am a residential waste customer with cart service and I do not have a secure place to store my carts in order to avoid wildlife issues?
There are multiple options for customers that do not have a secure place to store their refuse. These include:
- The ideal service option is a bear shed. This service option has the lowest rate available and IVGID offers a $150 rebate upon installation during fiscal year 17/18.
- Customers can elect to have locking wildlife resistant cart service. This service option can be used to help secure trash and/or recycling which is stored outside.
- Customers can leave their cart(s) empty until after 5 AM their service day and fill the cart(s) prior to placing the cart(s) at the curb for collection.
- Customers can drop-off their trash allotment at any point prior to service day at the transfer station in lieu of service curbside.
New Trash Collection for Incline Village and Crystal Bay
Changes to trash and recycling collection became effective October 1, 2016. See the documents below for additional information on the changes to service.
- Waste Management - Introducing Your New Trash, Recycling and Yard Waste Service
- New Trash Collection for Incline Village and Crystal Bay
- Solid Waste Changes FAQ's
Solid Waste Changes
At the IVGID Board of Trustees on July 7, 2016 the new Solid Waste Franchise Agreement with Waste Management was approved by the Board of Trustees. The proposed services were developed by the Solid Waste Committee based on feedback received from our community.
- July 7, 2016 Board Packet with Memo, Proposed Franchise Agreement and Presentation (pdf)
- July 7, 2016 Livestream broadcast (video)
- Solid Waste Changes for Residential Service (pdf)
GM Committee on Solid Waste Presentation to the Board
On Wednesday, February 24, 2016 the General Manager Committee on Solid Waste presented the proposed service changes to the Board of Trustees based on the feedback it reviewed from the community.
- February 24, 2016 Board Packet with Memo, Presentation and Community Comments (pdf)
- February 24, 2016 Livestrem broadcast (video)
Let's Talk Trash Community Forum
On Monday, January 25, 2016 IVGID held a community forum on solid waste services (refuse containerization, recycling and yard waste). The General Manager's Solid Waste Committee evaluated the community’s needs for trash and recycling services as well as the solid waste franchise agreement. Thank you for providing your suggestions on the service options which were important to you.