Major Capital Improvement Project Updates

The Incline Village General Improvement District is working on several major Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) throughout the District, addressing major infrastructure upgrades, repairs, replacements and other enhancements. IVGID's Engineering Division, within the Department of Public Works, generally takes the lead on the design, bidding, and management of these projects.
Please click on the project names below for more detailed information about any projects on this page.
Construction Projects Scheduled for 2025
Ponderosa & Tunnel Creek Water Main Replacement Project - 2299WS1803
Construction of approximately 1,625 linear feet of 8-inch water main, fire hydrants, service laterals, water
main connections, and pavement restoration along Ponderosa Ranch Rd & Tunnel Creek Rd.
Owner anticipates that the Project’s total bid price will be approximately $687,000. The Project has an
expected duration of 40 working days. Click here for the latest update on this project.
Projects Under Construction
Wetlands Effluent Disposal Facility Improvements Project - 2599SS1103
The Wetlands Effluent Disposal Facility, owned by IVGID, is located in the Carson Valley, Nevada and was built in 1984. The project consists of grading work to re-establish channels in a few locations that have silted in and become overgrown with vegetation. Also included is grading work to repair the berm between Cells 1A and 1B. Over the years, wave action has damaged this berm, resulting in short-circuiting of the effluent flow. Due to the nature of the grading work required, the wetlands need to be as dry as possible for the construction equipment to be able to enter the wetland cells. Click here for the latest update on this project from 04/23/2023.
Effluent Export Pipeline Replacement Project – 2524SS2010
One of the largest capital improvement projects in the history of IVGID, the Effluent Export Pipeline Replacement Project is a multi-year effort to replace the aging infrastructure that conveys the treated effluent from the District’s wastewater treatment plant out of the Lake Tahoe Basin, per federal requirements. Phase 2 of the Effluent Export Pipeline Replacement Project began in the summer of 2023, with construction on State Route 28. This project is ongoing and will resume each summer construction season through the fall of 2026. Click here for an overview of the project.
Completed Projects
Effluent Storage Tank Project – 2599SS2010
The Incline Village General Improvement District (IVGID) owns and operates the Wastewater Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) that serves the Incline Village and Crystal Bay communities. As part of the WRRF there are two unlined ponds that are available for use in an emergency situation. The WRRF is permitted for operations by the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP). NDEP has conditioned the operating permit such that IVGID may no longer use the two unlined ponds in the event of an emergency. Therefore, Public Works staff have been working with the design consultant, Jacobs, for the design of a 2-million gallon effluent storage tank.
Crystal Peak Waterline (5/1/2023)
The Crystal Peak Road Watermain Replacement Project is a part of the multi-year capital improvement program to replace the 1960s-era thin-wall steel watermains. This project will replace the 6” watermain within Crystal Peak Road (between Lakeshore Boulevard and Martis Peak Road) with a new 8” watermain.
Diamond Peak Kitchen Remodel Design/Build (4/17/23)
The Design-Build project will update and reconfigure the Diamond Peak Ski Resort kitchen for safety of staff, maximize the efficiency and circulation, improve cold storage capacity, and enlarge the food preparation area.
Mt Golf Cart Path Phases II & III- 3241LI2001
Repairs to the Mountain Golf Course cart paths.
Link to the May 10th Board of Trustees Meeting Information- Part 1
Link to the May 10th Board of Trustees Meeting Information- Part 2
Link to the May 10th Board of Trustees Meeting Information- Part 3
Link to the May 10th Board of Trustees Meeting Information- Part 4
2022 Recreation Center Locker Room Remodel
The Recreation Center Locker Room Remodel improvements include new tile, fixtures, and lockers with integrated security systems, as well as modifications to comply with current ADA building and fire codes. With all demolition completed and new floor and wall tile installed, our next steps include the installation of lockers, benches, lighting, and other fixtures. The Remodel is completed and we are getting rave reviews on the updates!
2021 Recreation Center Upstairs Lobby Restroom Remodel
A 2021 Capital Improvement Project to remodel the upstairs men's and women's restrooms at the Rec Center.
2021 Mountain Golf Cart Path Replacement
A carryforward 2020 Capital Improvement Project to reconstruct the cart paths at Mountain Golf Course. Please see the latest update here.
2022 Slott Peak Court - Water Main Replacement
A 2022 Capital Improvement Project, this project included replacing the aging steel water main in Slott Peak Court and miscellaneous water system improvements.
Projects in Planning
- 2022 Community Dog Park Project -The district is currently evaluating a potential site for a Community Dog Park.
- Incline Beach House
- Skatepark Expansion
Projects in Design:
- Water Main Replacement - Alder Ave
- Sewer Pump Station -SPS #1
- Snow Making Pump Station Upgrade
Projects awaiting Funding:
- Bike Park Phase II